Jumat, 27 Februari 2015


Contoh surat lamaran kerja -Kiat cerdas membuat contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan job applications it has become mandatory in the sub bahsan Indonesian lessons. Usually this material began to be given to the students at the school level mengenah the course will soon be confronted with the world of work. Although this material is less desirable, either because it is less attractive because of the teacher or the brackets can attract students, but a lot of benefits that we will get out of this material. One is about how the characteristics of a good job application letter, the steps to create a job application letter, and how its application in everyday life.

But of course, as described just now, many students who are not interested emitting such material so that the result would be in the next day when they are required to deal directly with the world of work, they are difficult to make Sample Job Application Letter itself. For those of you who belong to the group of people like this, we provide a guaranteed akan article helps you to understand how good a job application letter, following uasannya:
Contoh 1
Cirebon, 11 Januari 2015
Yth. Bapak/Ibu Pimpinan Paradiso
Jl. Mundu 23, Kelurahan Mundu

Hal : Lamaran Pekerjaan

Dengan hormat,

Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini:
Nama                                  : Andre
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir       : Cirebon, 16-April-1990
Usia                                    : 21 tahun
Pendidikan Terakhir           : SMKN 3 CIREEBON
                                            : Mahasiswa STMIK AMIKOM (AKTIF)
Alamat Asal                        : Kelurahan Gede Bage, Kota Cirebon
Domisili                              : Jl.Perjuangan, No. 1 Sunyaragi Cirebon
Telepon                               : 08122703xxxxx

Berdasarkan Info Kerja yang dimuat di Website dan Informasi di Koran Mingguan, saya bermaksud mengajukan lamaran kerja pada perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin untuk menempati posisi sebagai karyawan. Dengan bekal kemampuan yang saya miliki diantaranya mampu mengoperasikan komputer,Teknisi Komputer, Troubleshooting Hardware,Instalasi Hardware dan Software, Microsoft Word,Exel dan lain-lain. Saya dapat bekerja keras, rajin dan jujur, dapat bekerja secara mandiri maupun tim.

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, saya lampirkan beberapa berkas sebagai berikut:
1.         Foto Copy Ijazah terakhir
2.         Daftar Riwayat Hidup
3.         Foto Copy KTP
4.         Foto ukuran 3 x 4 = 2 lembar
5.         Sertifikat Ketrampilan Khusus
Demikian surat permohonan pekerjaan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya. Besar harapan saya untuk dapat diterima di perusahaan yang Bapak / Ibu pimpin. Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Contoh 2

Cirebon, 15 Januari 2015
Kepada Yth;
Bapak / Ibu Bagian Personalia / HRD
PT. Angin Ribut
Cabang Cirebon
di Tempat
Perihal             : Permohonan Pekerjaan
Lampiran         : -

Dengan hormat,
Bahwa yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :
Nama                                    :  DARONE
Tempat  tanggal lahir            :  Cirebon,17 Oktober 1989
Alamat                                  :  Jl.Kembangan Utara RT. 001/02 no.48 kel.kembangan                         utara Kec.Sunyaragi, Cirebon 
No telepon/HP                      :  0231-96641948

Dengan ini saya bermaksud mengajukan permohonan kerja kepada perusahaan yang
Bapak/ibu pimpin,

Dengan ini maka saya lampirkan berkas-berkas sebagai berikut ;         
1.      Daftar riwayat hidup 
2.      Foto copy izajah terakhir 
3.      Foto copy KTP 
4.      Foto copy Sertifikat Computer 
5.      Foto copy Sertifikat Kompetensi 
6.      Foto copy SKCK 
7.      Pas foto 4X6 
Demikianlah surat ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya atas perhatian bapak/ibu  sebelum dan sesudahnya saya ucapkan terima kasih.
Hormat saya

Contoh 3

Jakarta, 8 Januari 2015
Hal : Lamaran Pekerjaan

Kepada Yth.,
Manajer Sumber Daya Manusia
PT. Gilland Ganesha
Jl. Raya Kebon Durian No. 11
Jakarta Timur

Dengan hormat,
Sesuai dengan penawaran lowongan pekerjaan dari PT. Gilland Ganesha, seperti yang termuat di harian Kompas tanggal 6 Januari 2015. Saya mengajukan diri untuk bergabung ke dalam Tim Marketing di PT. Gilland Ganesha.
Data singkat saya, seperti berikut ini.

Nama                                         : Darone 88
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir              : Cirebon, 16 April 1990
Usia                                           : 21 tahun
Pendidikan Terakhir                  : STMIK AMIKOM (S1)
Alamat Asal                               : Kelurahan Gede Bage, Kota Cirebon
Domisili                                     : Jl.Perjuangan, No. 1 Sunyaragi Cirebon
Telepon                                      : 08522703xxxxx
Email                                         : darone_teater@gmail.com

Saya memiliki kondisi kesehatan yang sangat baik, dan dapat berbahasa Inggris dengan baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. Latar belakang pendidikan saya sangat memuaskan serta memiliki kemampuan manajemen dan marketing yang baik. Saya telah terbiasa bekerja dengan menggunakan komputer. Terutama mengoperasikan aplikasi paket MS Office, seperti Excel, Word, Acces, PowerPoint, OutLook, juga internet, maupun surat-menyurat dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Saat ini saya bekerja sebagai staff Marketing di PT. Hilmy Finance. Saya senang untuk belajar, dan dapat bekerja secara mandiri maupun dalam tim dengan baik.
Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, saya lampirkan :
1.      Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
2.      Foto copy ijazah S-1 dan transkrip nilai.
3.      Foto copy sertifikat kursus/pelatihan.
4.      Pas foto terbaru.
Saya berharap Bapak/Ibu bersedia meluangkan waktu untuk memberikan kesempatan wawancara, sehingga saya dapat menjelaskan secara lebih terperinci tentang potensi diri saya.
Demikian surat lamaran ini, dan terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu.
Hormat saya,

Hopefully this article on the above application letter useful for you all. Do not forget to leave your SHARE and LIKE to further spread the benefits of what you feel. And do not forget we wish all the benefits of participating accompany you in the real world, when you are entering the world of work

Kamis, 26 Februari 2015


Simak Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Yang Baik Dan Benar. Below we have provided 2 Contoh surat lamaran kerja is good and right is composed of Indonesian and English. For those of you who may still confused how to create a surat lamaran kerja, this time the blog admin FISIP unsil present two examples that might help you in applying for a job. In general, almost to a whole company requires a cover letter only by using Indonesian is good and true, but not infrequently there are also companies that require applying work using the English language.

Jakarta, 29 Januari 2015

Perhatian Untuk: Departemen Sumber Daya Manusia
PT. Jakarta Realty
Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 50A
Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12970

Dear Sir / Madam,

Saya telah membaca dari iklan di Kompas bahwa perusahaan Anda sedang mencari karyawan untuk memegang beberapa posisi. Berdasarkan iklan, saya tertarik untuk mendaftar Untuk posisi manajer sesuai dengan latar belakang saya pendidikan sebagai Teknik Fisika.

Nama saya Indra Dijaya, saya berumur dua puluh tiga tahun. Saya telah lulus dari Teknik Fisika Departemen ISTN Januari 2015. spesialisasi saya di Teknik Fisika Instrumentasi dan adalah spesialis Kontrol. Saya menganggap diri saya bahwa saya memiliki kualifikasi yang Anda inginkan. Saya memiliki motivasi yang baik bagi kemajuan dan berkembang, bersemangat untuk belajar, dan dapat bekerja dengan tim (team work) atau sendiri. Selain itu saya dimiliki keterampilan komputer yang memadai dan memiliki perintah yang baik dalam bahasa Inggris (lisan dan tulisan).

Dengan kualifikasi saya, saya yakin bahwa saya akan dapat memberikan kontribusi secara efektif untuk perusahaan Anda. Dengan ini saya lampirkan:

1. Copy Sarjana (S-1) Sertifikat dan transkrip nilai.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Fotokopi Sertifikat Pelatihan Kerja dari Unocal Indonesia Company.
4. Pas foto terbaru dengan ukuran 4x6

Saya akan mengucapkan terima kasih atas perhatian Anda dan saya harap saya bisa mengikuti tes rekrutmen Anda untungnya

If we make our job a cover letter should include some files in the results pentinng photos of copy. file it as well from the police certificate, diploma mail and other files seseuia with the requested company that we wish to go. Do not forget to also write a little thing - a good thing that there is in you because it might attract sympathy for reviewing surat lamaran kerja we have given.

In general, the job application letter contained a request to include a photograph, please remember that the request was not a stylized photo slang or what we are. in this case it would be better if we send the photo in a state of neat to have a dignified impression.

Now that's Sample Job Application Letter of Good and True in general, hopefully with a sample job application letter that we provide can be useful for you. So first of information today, hopefully with articles that have been published can assist you in achieving success

Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

Kumpulan macam macam majas terlengkap beserta contohnya

Kumpulan macam macam Majas terlengkap beserta contohnya or allusion is a beautiful language that is used to enhance the impression of the way to introduce and to compare an object with another object or anything else that is more general.

Majas can be classified as follows.

     Majas comparison
     opposition Majas
     Majas linkage
     Majas looping

A. Majas Perbandingan
Comparative Majas consists of four types, namely:

1. Majas Perumpamaan
Perumpamaan is a comparison of two things that are intrinsically related and deliberately considered equal.

     Bak looking for lice in the fibers. (Doing something that is impossible)
     Like goats were driven into the water. (This person is reluctant told or asked to do something)
     Sweet as honey.
     Deep sea.
     An angel.
     As fresh as the morning air.

Perumpamaan is explicitly expressed by kata like, like, like, like, penaka, sepantun, like, for instance.

2. Majas metafora
Majas metafora is an implicit comparison. So, without a kata comparison between two different things. In other words, metaphors that figure of speech in the form of figurative similarities between objects are renamed to replace objects.

     When did you meet with the loan sharks?
     Siti Mutmainah is the flower village here.
     Hunger still haunts the people of Ethiopia.
     Nina stalk mother's heart.

3. Majas personifikasi
Majas personifikasi is a figure of speech comparing the write inanimate objects be as if hidup, can do, or moving.

     Bullet tearing the enemy's chest.
     Great flood had swallowed whole treasure population.
     The sun began to creep upward.
     Thick fog enveloped our village.

4. Majas alegori
Majas alegori is generally menganding properties of human morals.

     Rowing boat household. (Perbandingan intact for someone in the household)

B. Majas Pertentangan
Opposition Majas is divided into 7 types, namely:

     Majas hiperbola
     Majas litotes
     Majas ironi
     Majas antonomia
     Majas oksimoron
     Majas paradoks
     Majas Kontradiksio

1. Majas hiperbola
Majas hiperbola is a figure of speech that states something to excess.

     Menganak sweat river.
     His voice boomed splitting the sky.

2. Majas litotes
Majas litotes is a figure of speech that states the opposite of hyperbole, that states something to reduce or soften the circumstances. Litotes Majas called hyperbole is also negative.

     But, sorry we can not provide anything. Just enough water to wet my throat's all there.
     Of course, the book is still far from perfect. Therefore, all the criticisms and suggestions I receive with pleasure.

3. Majas ironi
Majas ironi is a figure of speech that conveys the meaning of the opposite or contradictory, with satirical intent. Majas ironi figure of speech also called satire.

     Good that you say is true, so galling.
     You're smart, do the problems that there are really none.

4. Majas antonomia
Majas antonomia is mention of an individual based on its special characteristics.

     Sssssttt, look! The chatty come. You do not need to ask.
     Miscellaneous! Let the fat guy who deal with it later.
     Yesterday I saw the sunglasses out together with the Kribo. True, or not?

5. Majas oksimoron
Majas oksimoron is a disclosure containing establishment / opinion on something that contains things that are contradictory.

     It is true that consensus is a container to find a deal. But not infrequently into conflict container participants.
     Radio broadcasts can be used for means of unity and unity, but also as a tool to divide a community or nation.
     Sport climbing the hill is interesting, but also very dangerous.

6. Majas paradoks
Majas paradoks is disclosure to a reality that seems contradictory, but it contains the truth.

     Indeed luxury life, have a car, a big house, but they are not happy. Do not know why, maybe because it has not had children.
     Although he lived in a big city, metropolis, the entertainment is everywhere, he told me he was lonely.

7. Majas Kontradiksio
Majas Kontradiksio is showing disagreement with the disclosure that has been said to be used as an exception.

     Actually all of his brother, the first-first intelligent, only he himself stupid. Perhaps because of the laziness.
     The night was pitch black, without flickering fireflies that briefly appear and disappear for a while.

C. Majas Pertautan
Engagement Majas can be divided into:

     Majas metanimia
     Majas Sinekdok, consisting of:
         Pars pro toto
         Totem pro parte
     Majas alusio
     Majas Eufemisme

1. Majas metanimia
Majas metanimia is a figure of speech that uses the name or the name of the traits linked with people, goods or things, as his successor.

     Dad loves to suck the salt warehouse. (That cigarette)
     The Tall used as a substitute for those who have the feature tall.

2. Majas Sinekdok
Majas Sinekdok is a figure of speech that mentions the name of a part instead of the whole name or vice versa.

     Already this week Iwan not seem nose. (Though that is not the only bridge of the nose)
     Indonesia managed to bring back the trophy Thomas. (Though who managed only one team badminton)

     Pars pro toto is mention in part to the overall intent. contoh:
         Far had seen dozens of screens around the harbor.
         Where have you been all this time? It's been a long time did not seem rod nose. Grandma always ask you.
         He had to work hard from morning to evening because many mouths to be fed.
         We will hold salvation as gratitude because we ride all classes. For the cost of our collective responsibility of each head charged a fee of USD 1500.00
     Totem pro parte is any mention of the overall figure of speech for the purpose of part of it. contoh:
         In the last season, we have not anything. But in this year, our school should appear as a champion.
         In a game last season, Indonesia can achieve a gold medal.

3. Majas alusio
Majas alusio is a figure of speech that refers indirectly to an event or thing by using the familiar proverb sampiran rhyme nor use it already understood. This Majas figure of speech also called flash.

     Build castles only your work earlier. (Bragging / gab-way)
     Ah, you did ni elders taro. (That is increasingly becoming more and more old)

4. Majas Eufemisme
Majas Eufemisme is a figure of speech as a substitute for the phrase subtle allusion that feels rough and unpleasant. Majas Eufemisme used to shy away from anything that is considered taboo or substitute other words for the purpose of politeness.

     The man was indeed exchanged sense. (Substitute crazy)
     If in the forest do not mention grandmother. (Substitute tiger)
     The Government has entered into fuel price adjustment. (Substitute raise)

D. Majas Perulangan
The rich feel himself poor, while the poor man feels himself rich